Humberstone Lane - 100,000 square foot mixed use development in Leicester

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Khoury Architects undertook detailed contextual and environmental investigations and submitted a rigorous site analysis as part of Leicester City Council’s formal pre-planning application process for a mixed use scheme.  Following stakeholder research and advice  received during this process, Khoury Architects amended its initial proposals as follows:

  • Incorporation of Care Home and Extra Care Apartments
  • Alteration of building layouts to improve daylight to amenity spaces
  • Retention of business use buildings and proposal for supplemental building
  • Reconfiguration of vehicular movement to achieve one access point and parking against the railway, thus achieving more amenity space
Architect for Mixed Use

The proposals for the vacant brownfield site consist of 4 separate buildings, with building uses varying from light industrial and business use to a care home, extra care and residential accommodation. These proposed uses will “stitch” together the varied neighbouring uses in a coherent and successful manner whilst providing community facilities and employment.

Mixed Use Architect Midlands
Mixed Use Architect Midlands

The appearance of the buildings is derived from local vernacular studies, modern methods of construction and passive solar design. The proposals reflect the use of brick, light coloured stone and aluminium cladding. Passive solar shading to the care facilities is achieved through stone or masonry fins and projections that shade glass and create private amenity gardens at ground level. The central business block is predominantly glass affording links to both the care areas of the site. The facades are animated by aluminium vertical fins that give solar protection to the expanses of glass. The proposal for the existing building is to over clad with a stone framework to reflect the existing steel frame beyond. This building will retain existing brick cladding, but have all windows and roller shutters replaced. The aluminium cladding steps away from the whites and light grey tones seen around the site and utilises a bronze finish to give a more natural hue which is less glaring in the landscape. Furthermore, the bronze finish adds to the feel of modern high quality development sought by the developer.

Architect Mixed Use
Mixed Use Architects

There is a mix of hard and soft landscaping across the site which not only provides private amenity space for occupants but also sufficient boundary cover. Tree planting surrounds the vehicular access road to the North with car parking and private amenity bordering it to the South. This screens the development thus facilitating privacy, reducing noise and enhancing ecology.

Midlands Mixed Use Architect
Architect Mixed Use

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